Up North Aperture

Frequently Asked Questions - for Home Owners

How long will the photo shoot take?

Generally it will take between 45 minutes but up to two hours. Below is an estimate of how long each service takes:

  • Photos and Floor Plans: 45 minutes
  • Drone/Aerial Photos: 20 – 30 Minutes
  • Video: 30-60 Minutes (depending on the size of the home and what is needed)

What should I expect during the photo shoot?

I will arrive at the agreed time of the appointment. If you (the home owner) are home, I’ll introduce myself, confirm everything looks good and answer any questions you might have. 

In general, I walk the property (inside and outside) and look for last minute things to move or adjust to help with photo composition. 

I’ll then move through each room and take photos. Followed by walking the house and getting floor plans made up. If you plan on being home, plan on not being seen. Shadows and  can end up in photographs, which does not comply with MLS regulations. 

What should I do with my pets during the photo shoot?

Pets are great! I have two large dogs (Ned and Stout) but unfortunately they can’t be around during the photoshoot. They walk through camera shots, can knock over equipment, and interrupt the process. 

Please plan to have them kenneled or with a family member or friend.

Do I need to be around during the photo shoot?

It’s preferred the home owners leave the property during the photo shoot.  However, I know that isn’t always possible. If the home owner or someone else needs to be around, I will communicate the expectations of where to be during the photo shoot when I arrive and assess the property. 

What are the most important things to do when I’m preparing my home for a photo shoot?

If I had to recommend only a couple things, I’d say:

  • Remove all personal items from the house – family photos, magnets on the fridge, personal belongings. You want to make the home feel like someone else can imagine themselves living there and your memories can make that hard for people to look past. 
  • De-Clutter – Remove 30% to 50% of the stuff in your house. Hide it in the garage or a storage room if possible. Make that space warm and inviting. 
  • Wipe down surfaces, mirrors and windows! 
If you’re short on time, you can check out my “Pre-Photoshoot Checklist“, where I break down the last minute steps to make your home look good for Real Estate Photos. If you have a week or more to prepare, check out the “How to Prepare your Home for Photographs” page, where I walk you step-by-step through the process. 

Where should I store all my stuff during the photoshoot?

The garage is an ideal space to store items because it is generally not photographed. A second option would be a storage room, large closet, or rent a storage unit for a month if necessary. 


How long will it take to get the images/media back?

  • Photos and Floor Plans: Next Business Day
  • Video: Two Business Days

Does my property need to be stage?

Most homes don’t need to be staged if you’re living in them. If you’re unsure, work with your realtor to determine if staging is the right option for you. 

What happens if the weather is poor? Will the photo shoot have to be rescheduled?

I generally won’t reschedule for bad weather unless the weather is not safe to drive in. With current technology I can guarantee blue skies in all photos, with some minor editing. 

If for some reason I can’t find a window of opportunity to photograph the outside of the property because of heavy rain, I’ll come back the next day to photograph the outside of the property. You would not need to be present for me to do so. 

If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out! I’d love to hear from you and understand what you’re looking for. 

Tyler Lawrence

(612) 405-3555
