Up North Aperture

Frequently Asked Questions - for Realtors 

How do I place an order?

Placing an order is easy! 

  • Online Checkout 
    • My preferred method!
  • Phone Number: (612) 405-3555
  • Email: Tyler.Lawrence@UpNorthAperture.com

How long does a photoshoot take?

Generally it will take between 45 minutes but up to two hours. Below is an estimate of how long each service takes:

  • Photos and Floor Plans: 45 minutes
  • Drone/Aerial Photos: 20 – 30 Minutes
  • Video: 30-60 Minutes (depending on the size of the home and what is needed)

How long will it take to get the images/media back?

  • Photos and Floor Plans: Next Business Day
  • Video: Two Business Days

How does payment work?

You pay via a credit card when the work is complete.

What if I’m not happy with the photos/media?

I have a 100% money back guarantee! If you’re not satisfied with the media, please reach out via an email or a phone call to discuss what is unsatisfactory. If necessary, I will refund the money or reshoot the listing.

What is the best time of the day to photograph a property?

This changes depending on the time of year and the direction the house faces, but a general rule of thumb: 

  • East Facing Property: Morning photo shoot
  • West Facing Property: Afternoon photo shoot
  • South Facing Property: Mid-Morning or Mid-Afternoon (although, a south facing house can be photographed at any point during the day). 
If you want my professional opinion, please reach out. I’d be happy to discuss what the best option is for your property! 

What services does my listing need? 

Every listing is unique! However, there are some recommendations I tend to make:

  • Aerial/Drone Footage: In general, if there is a lot of land to showcase, a lack of neighbors, a lakefront property, then I suggest drone footage. 
  • Floor Plans: I offer floor plans with all standard photoshoots because I believe that a home with high-quality photos is enhanced by floor plans. This gives the realtors the option to decide if they want the floor plans or not. 
  • Video: If you’re active on social media or very good at marketing a property yourself, then video is great! 

Do I (as a Realtor) have to be on-location during the photo shoot?

Absolutely not! If you’re comfortable having me shoot the property without you being there, I’m happy to do so. If the homeowner is around, I can answer any questions and let them know what to expect. If no-one is around, I will jut need to know how to access the property. 

What happens if the home isn’t “photo” ready?

If the listing is in bad enough shape that you (the realtor) or I feel it won’t photograph well, we can reschedule. I do plan 15-20 minutes at the start of every photoshoot to help straighten up, arrange items that should be moved and do general maintenance. 

Are you certified to fly drones commercially? 

Yes, I am Part 107 Certified by the FAA to photograph listings commercially. 

What happens if the weather is poor? Will the photo shoot have to be rescheduled?

I generally won’t reschedule for bad weather unless the weather is not safe to drive in. With current technology I can guarantee blue skies in all photos, with some minor editing. 

If for some reason I can’t find a window of opportunity to photograph the outside of the property because of heavy rain, I’ll come back the next day to photograph the outside of the property. You would not need to be present for me to do so. 

If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out! I’d love to hear from you and understand what you’re looking for. 

Tyler Lawrence

(612) 405-3555
